Promo Only Dance Radio
November 2006 Review
Reviewed on
(Review #09)
© 2006 CD Review (Review #09) reviewed on 10.24.2006 by FrankieThaLuckyDog.
01. Beyoncé “Ring The Alarm (Freemasons Radio Mix)” -> Let’s HOPE it’s a BANG...ER! I’m anticipated for FM mix! >>> LOL... the vocals are slowed down, and the intro sounds like “Watchin’.”
02. Supafly Inc. “Moving Too Fast (Radio Edit)” -> LOVE THIS SONG, but never heard the Radio Edit. Lemme hear. >>> Cool. They took out the “giving a chance” (repeats 4x) part, but towards the ending they put the reggae guy in during the chorus and that made it BETTER!
03. Axwell Feat. Steve Edwards “Watch The Sunrise (Radio Edit)” -> PO forgot to put “Steve Edwards” as the featured artist. Anyway, it’s ½ of Supermode!
04. Amber Feat. Sweet Rains “Melt With The Sun (Hex Hector Radio Edit)” -> Really lookin’ forward to this one! Lemme check it out!!!
05. Da Buzz “Without Breaking (Yoni Radio Edit)” -> Another HIGHLY ANTICIPATED song!! >>> HOTT intro!!
06. Madonna “Jump (Radio Edit)” -> Great album, great song... but with it a lil’ shorter, how will I judge this radio edit? >>> Okay it’s pretty much the same. Just the intro and outro have been fixed from the album version where the whole CD iz mixed together (they edited out the mixed parts). My Rating: ****
07. Janet Jackson Feat. Khia “So Excited (Junior Vasquez Radio Edit)” -> It doesn’t say “Khia” as the featured artist. Iz she on it? Let’s find out... have some anticipation for this mix. >>> Yes Khia iz on the chorus (another PO error). I REALLY like the Jermaine Dupri original beat to this song ‘cause it sounds like some ol’ skool dance type of R&B song. Junior Vasquez mixed the HOT Jermaine Dupri beats with his! Great!
08. Jupiter Rising “Go! (Dave Audé Radio Edit)” -> Original = HOT club POP song. Dance Remix = ....................? >>> HOT A$$ INTRO! ^_^ Dave Audé, once again, did a HOTT job!!! ^_^
09. Galaxy 68 “DJ Play My Song (Radio Edit)” -> I always have HIGH ANTICIPATION for those HIGH BPM (135 or more) songs! Wanna see what itz got (I know a 4star* rating right?) >>> I don’t even know why I’m reviewing some of these songs. All I keep saying iz “REALLY REALLY REALLY HOTTT!!!!!!!!!!!!” HOTT vocals/HOTT music!!
10. Joyce Sims “What The World Needs Now (Friscia/Lamboy Radio)” -> I have no words. Lemme just play the damn song! >>> The artist, title, and mix had me under the medium anticipation level, but this song iz alright. Nothing special. My Rating: **
->>> Now we’re at the ½ way mark. So far the CD iz BANGGGGGIN’!!!!! I think it’z gonna go downhill tho, but we’ll find out.
11. Fedde Le Grand “Put Your Hands Up For Detroit (Radio Edit)” -> Can somebody grab a laughing monkey? Lol... this song was just about average on my Pump It Or Dump It (gave it a 53 of 100). Lemme hear again and give it a rating: >>> Hmm... a few reasons why I like Detroit: Eminem, Madonna, D-12. That’s all I can think of. 2:26... shortest length on PODR of all time I’m guessin’! Congrats to Fedde on that! The music iz that boring type and the vocals are chanting vocals so that’s good. My Rating: ***
12. Keane “Is It Any Wonder (Tall Paul Club Edit)” -> MCD been bumpin’ this one for 2 months now. Very tiny tiny buzz for me tho. >>> Nice :33 intro! SMFH @ MCD for cuttin’ off the first ½ of the intro. How gay. The music iz good (sometimes I’m scared of it, lol), but the chorus iz good. The problem iz just the vocals. ..........What can I say?..... My Rating: **
13. Jzabehl “It's All About Me (Tony Moran & Jody Den Broeder Radio Edit)” -> Hmm I’m anticipated. Music Choice Musica Urbana has this song... since they play Spanish Rap/R&B, this BETTER be a Spanish song and NOT 100% English! >>> Slow intro. HOT VOCALS. I guess MCMU only plays this song ‘cause her name iz Spanish. Lol.... HOT CHORUS too!
14. Front “Wide Open Heavens (Radio Edit)” -> Front did their thang with Jillian... now how will they do on their own? >>> *GASPS* A TRANCE SONG?!?!? *Ends feedback* My Rating: ****
15. Tom Novy Feat. Lima “Take It (Radio Edit)” -> Iz Tom Novy’s “body” gonna spark this song? Let’s see... >>> Pretty good song. Slow type of song with a fast beat. Really good song!
16. The Killers “When You Were Young (Jacques Lu Cont's Thin White Duke Radio Edit)” -> Jacques hasn’t impressed me lately.
17. Korn “Politics (Claude Le Gache Edit)” -> First The Killers, now Korn. I’m more anticipated for Korn tho. Which Rock remix will be better? Probably Korn. Let’s see. >>> Hmm... better music than Killers, better vocals. Not bad. Nice rock interlude, mixed with the dance music part!
18. Deepsky & Jes “Ghost (Joe Bermudez & Klubjumpers Edit)” -> NICE TITLE FOR HALLOWEEN! Anyway, these 2 had me ear-bleeding with that “Talk Like A Stranger” joint back 2 years ago. I’m SURE this song, with JB & KJ on the mix, will be HOTT! >>> Hmm... unexpected slow intro. I’m sure this iz Jes from Motorcycle right (it always sounds like it. Plus, MCD says that Jes iz a guy)? There’s a HOT music part during the chorus that I’m feelin’. Pretty good.
19. Cicada “The Things You Say (Dirty South Radio Edit)” -> PO Error #3: It’s “The Things You Say.” They forgot the “the.” Anyway, heard Dirty South’s remix. Now I must hear the original! Heard about 1.1 sec. of it on iPartyRadio and HOT for 1.1 sec.! >>> *Anticipation goes down like water going down the sink* PO Error #4: This ain’t the original.
20. Flanders “By My Side (Callea & Rispoli Radio)” -> Hope it’s a good one. Last song seems anticipating! I have a feeling it’z gonna be an ol’skool song remade. >>> Hmm... sounds like Sophie Ellis Bextor. Not bad. Somewhat catchy, but not the best. My Rating: **
Overall: Wow! What a HOT CD!
1 STAR (*): 01
2 STARZ (**): 03
3 STARZ (***): 07
4 STARZ (****): 09
^ I love how it gets better and better!
Future Singles (that have not hit my sources yet):
01, 04, 05, 07, 08, 09 (*crosses fingers*), 13 (*crosses fingers*), 14 (*crosses fingers*), 15, 16 ( :roll: ), and 20.
02, 03, 06, 11, 12, and 19 have already hit my sources.
20- The Killers “When You Were Young (Jacques Lu Cont's Thin White Duke Radio Edit)”
19- Joyce Sims “What The World Needs Now (Friscia/Lamboy Radio)”
18- Flanders “By My Side (Callea & Rispoli Radio)”
17- Keane “Is It Any Wonder (Tall Paul Club Edit)”
16- Korn “Politics (Claude Le Gache Edit)”
15- Fedde Le Grand “Put Your Hands Up For Detroit (Radio Edit)”
14- Amber Feat. Sweet Rains “Melt with the Sun (Hex Hector Radio Edit)”
13- Janet Jackson Feat. Khia “So Excited (Junior Vasquez Radio Edit)”
12- Deepsky & Jes “Ghost (Joe Bermudez & Klubjumpers Edit)”
11- Cicada “The Things You Say (Dirty South Radio Edit)”
10- Axwell Feat. Steve Edwards “Watch The Sunrise (Radio Edit)”
09- Beyoncé “Ring The Alarm (Freemasons Radio Mix)”
08- Madonna “Jump (Radio Edit)”
07- Tom Novy Feat. Lima “Take It (Radio Edit)”
06- Jupiter Rising “Go! (Dave Aude Radio Edit)”
05- Supafly Inc. “Moving Too Fast (Radio Edit)”
04- Front “Wide Open Heavens (Radio Edit)”
03- Da Buzz “Without Breaking (Yoni Radio Edit)”
02- Galaxy 68 “DJ Play My Song (Radio Edit)”
01- Jzabehl “It's All About Me (Tony Moran & Jody Den Broeder Radio Edit)”
^ BTW at any time, THE TOP 3 are ALWAYS songs I never heard before, so the highest for a song I heard before would be #4!